Monday, January 15, 2007

Never knew I hated cockroaches until today

Cockroaches have never really been my favorite, actually I used to be indifferent to them. How often do you really see cockroaches. Even if your apartment is filthy (which all of them in D.C. were), you never really see them. And they are SMALL.

Not in Kante. Since I arrived, I do not use the latrine at night because there are usually around 15 lurking in and around the latrine. So I did what any american would do. I bombed the place. I bought the most expensive western roach bait Lome had to offer. Then I bought the most expensive roach spray imported to Togo. The spray even has a special cloaking device that makes it smell like febreeze. Now when you deplete the ozone, and murder your innocent brain cells, you can smell good doin' it.

Well after spraying and baiting, the problem was solved.

Until this morning.

I am not kidding when I tell you I killed over 100 cockroaches. I have pictures to prove it. I will post them.

For now I must go. Surprising the internet works here in kante.

pictures to follow. A little vomit just came up.


Anonymous said...

about friggin' time.


Anonymous said...

Would some good ole fashioned American Raid help?