Friday, April 27, 2007


Some photos for your viewing pleasure:

Host family in Govie (Training village)

Atetou - Village 7 km west of Kante

Atetou cont.

Hospital beds in Nadoba

Tata in Tamberma Valley


Mountains just south of Kante

Area near Govie

Ok more to come with an update.


J. said...

Alright bud, these pictures prove it. Mauritania is so much more of a shithole than Togo. I forgot what the color green looks like. And that people could be happy, for that matter.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing your experience...

guerillagardener said...

hey pal!

pictures look great... maybe you can add a sexy one of yourself!

Jon said...

Anything for you marcin (i sent it to our PERSONAL email account)

Sam said...

Thanks for posting the pictures! Have you been tempted to climb up any of those hills? Don't forget, the more you exercise, the more food and beer you earn.

Unknown said...
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