Step 1: Extend your arm out in front of your body, palm facing up. Your arm is in the position described for only a moment because you are gesticulating.
Step 2: You have to be telling a story. The story is not stimulating, but the gesticulations help.
Step 3: Sit under a ceiling fan.
Now here comes the magic: A lizard the size of your index finger has to rest on the ceiling above the ceiling fan. Next, the lizard has to fall from the ceiling, through the spinning ceiling fan, and into your momentarily outstretched hand.
This is what I like to call the trifecta. Some crazy lizard moons must have been aligned the night this lizard fell into my palm. I have been waiting for the perfect story to resuscitate my blog, and it finally came like an omen in the form of a baby lizard.
It was like being struck by lightning the same day I won the lottery. Eat that up, Alanis.
Last week I returned to
Raise your hand if you have been in a small car with a loose bull!
A few weeks ago I was sitting in a bush taxi with a bull tied up in the back. I was sitting shotgun when the bull broke free of the ties and started bucking and swinging his horns like one might think a bull confined in a two door car would do. His bull hooves were flailing all over the place, so I rolled down the window and put more than half my body outside of the car. The driver pulled over with a smile plastered on his face the whole time. He tied the bull down, and every 10 minutes I would persuade him to pull over and re-tie the bull so that both passengers and car survived the ordeal.
Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back!
Seen some racetracks, some strange animals within, but never seen a lizard fallin through the spin.
Fanmagicomeniscient, that's just got to be it.
Word. Keep it up.
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